About Align Chiropractic
A West Chester OH ChiropractorChiropractic Care that lasts a lifetime.
Who Is Align Chiropractic?
We believe you were meant to thrive not just survive. We believe that no-one else, not Pharma, corporations, hospital systems, insurance programs, or any other seemingly do-gooder group can promise you the health that you were endowed to have.
We believe your health is something you were gifted from the beginning. Something to pursue. Something to value. That you and you alone have choices to make that matter for you and your family. We believe that the real doctor is realized when the patient acknowledges that they have a major role to play in their future, their health and their vitality, and we’re here to be a guide on your path to health.
You were designed to heal. Healing occurs from Above (your brain controls everything) Down (through your spinal column and nervous system), from the Inside (on a cellular level) Outward (to the tissues resulting in the part of the healing we can visualize and measure).
Chiropractic is focused on adjusting the segments of your spine to correct subluxations. This removes interference and damage to the signals that are controlling and communicating healing. Now, your choices in food, exercise, sleep, mindset, stress, habits are what influence how well you heal from there.
The doctor of the future is the patient who not only realizes their potential, but works to align their choices with continued habits that allow for continued healing.
Dr. Ryan and his team are always engaging, friendly, and you leave feeling a million times better than when you showed up. Great community and happy to have been apart of it for over 4 years.
– April Gerken
Meet Your Align Chiro Team
Our team is tight-knit and powerful, each of our unique backgrounds and complementary skillsets combine into a level of healthcare that we would be proud to deliver to our own grandparents, children, neighbors and loved ones.
Ashley Berlin
Micah Dawkins
Director of Marketing & New Business Development
Makenna Garretson
Check-out CA & X-Ray Tech
Kaylynn Wilson
Check-in CA
Kristen Kronauge
Shockwave Tech
Office Details
We are located directly across from Pfister Animal Hospital, look for the white Align Chiropractic, Max Living sign.
7341 Tylers Corner Place
West Chester, OH 45069
Monday 8:00am – 10:45am, 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Tuesday 11:30am – 2:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 10:45am, 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday 6:30am – 10:00am
Schedule Your First Visit
Schedule Today! The time is right to find a healthier you and enjoy life's moments without pain or limitation.